Cyber threats are constantly evolving. To guarantee high level security and get certifications and qualifications from the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), we make sure that our software stays on the cutting edge of encryption and authentication.
This leads us to regularly bring new versions of our software to the market. This page is intended to help you understand our policy regarding the life cycle of TheGreenBow products.
Product status
This table lists the latest versions released to the market for each platform.

If you need to download a previous major version, you can do so from this support page.
Major version
A major version corresponds to the market release of features that involve a significant amount of development time and/or effort (e.g. change in graphical interface, entirely new features, new algorithms, integration of new technologies). A major version generally leads to a change in user experience both for administrators and end users. One exemple of this would be a change in the software installation process.
Minor version
A minor version corresponds to the market release of new features that complement or enhance existing features in the major version. They generally do not require major development efforts and aim to improve the existing version.
A build corresponds to the market release of a slight improvement to the product or a bug correction.
Product end of life
We announce the end of life (EOL) of a product major version twelve months in advance to allow our customers to anticipate and set up a migration plan.
Do not forget that a license for a given product remains valid for as long as the subscription is active and allows customers to switch to a more recent version at no additional cost.
Versioning rules
The version numbers of TheGreenBow software have the following structure: x.y.vzz
x is the major version number
- y is the minor version number
- v corresponds to the number of vulnerabilities that have been corrected. It starts at 0 and is incremented for each vulnerability corrected up to a maximum of 9.
z is the build number It starts at zero and is incremented for each new build up to a maximum of 99.
Example: Windows Enterprise VPN Client 7.2.006
Major version number = 7
- Minor version number = 2
- Vulnerability = 0 (none observed)
- Build number = 06
Main life cycle characteristics
A major version is characterized by the following:
- It is published when a significant change has been made to the product (e.g. internal architecture)
- It keeps evolving with minor releases that include upgrades and corrections
- Its end of life is announced 1 year in advance
A minor version is published three times per year.
To benefit from the maximum protection level, we recommend that you always switch to the latest version available of our products whenever this is possible for you. You will thus benefit from the latest advances in terms of bug corrections and security updates.
Remember to regularly visit our security alerts page and immediately update any vulnerable product.
Our products can be updated. You keep your license, and in some cases you can even keep your configuration.
The bug fixes provided with a minor version aim to replace the respective previous version.