Our vision
We live in a world where people and machines are increasingly connected. The number and diversity of cyberattacks continues to grow.
Ensuring the protection of data and communications must be a natural gesture for all.
Yet 60% of cyberattacks can be attributed to human behavior. At TheGreenBow, we believe the key to effective cybersecurity above all resides in simple implementation of the technology involved and everyone taking responsibility.
Our roots
Roger Simon and Jérôme Chappe arrived at this conviction by taking part in the development of the first real-time IP traffic encryption device. They established TheGreenBow in 1998 to put their vision into action.
They chose the name TheGreenBow to signify the strengths of their company: on the product side, security in the form of a protective shield, and on the human side, the link, the strong relationship with users. The green color emphasizes the essential human dimension that new technologies must have, representing balance, sharing, trust, and growth.

Our mission
TheGreenBow is a trusted VPN software publisher. We help organizations and individuals become cyber responsible. To achieve this, we design and develop reliable and easy-to-use solutions.
We protect endpoints and connections to your information system and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data exchanged, regardless of whether these exchanges are made between organizations, with mobile employees, telecommuters, or even connected objects.
With more than two million licenses distributed in over 70 countries around the world and several security certifications obtained from the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI), TheGreenBow solutions are aimed at all types of organizations: VSEs/SMEs, major corporations, critical market operators, public administrations and local authorities.