« In today’s geopolitical context, our products are more vital than ever for our customers when it comes to securing connections. TheGreenBow is accelerating its transformation to provide them with the support and high level of security they need today and for years to come. »

Mathieu Isaia, Managing Director of TheGreenBow

The cyber threat level for critical market operators and operators of essential services (OESs) has never been as high as in recent months. The war in Ukraine makes TheGreenBow’s strategic clients particularly vulnerable, especially those located in Eastern European NATO member states.

To continue to ensure that their communications benefit from a high level of security and protection, TheGreenBow focuses its investments on three main priorities:

  • Integrating post-quantum cryptography algorithms
  • Developing zero trust features
  • Obtaining new security visas from the French cybersecurity agency ANSSI

The advent of quantum computing brings new security threats to remote access connections. TheGreenBow is therefore working on integrating post-quantum cryptography methods into its VPN clients, so they are robust enough to withstand attacks from a quantum computer.

Priority number 2: developing zero trust features. TheGreenBow is thoroughly convinced that encrypting communications is fully in its place in a so-called zero trust architecture. It is therefore speeding up the development of services aimed at strengthening these security architectures.

TheGreenBow is also pursuing its policy of ongoing certification for its products. It already holds several ANSSI security visas (EAL3+ Common Criteria Certification for one Windows VPN client* and two Linux VPN clients**) and aims to obtain new certifications for different security levels and various operating systems.

About TheGreenBow

TheGreenBow is a French cybersecurity software company that has been providing reliable VPN solutions since 1998 and whose expertise is founded on secure communications. After becoming the first vendor to achieve Common Criteria EAL3+ certification for its Windows VPN Client—approved for NATO and EU Restricted use in 2013—TheGreenBow is now a key player in the VPN client market. Its trusted and scalable security solutions for SMEs, large accounts, critical infrastructures, governments, and civil administrations are distributed in more than 70 countries across the world.

TheGreenBow is the proud holder of the Cybersecurity Made in Europe label, which promotes European-based companies that provide trusted cybersecurity products and services.

Media contact

Anette Burgdorf | tel : +33 6 10 75 72 08 | email : a.burgdorf@noumena.fr

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