
Securing data exchanges

Limiting the downtime of equipment undergoing maintenance, protecting logistics data transmitted by bar code readers, and making communications between two devices more reliable are common safety issues when managing industrial systems (aviation, transport, logistics, etc.).

In logistics, having a great number of operators equipped with digital terminals move about within large storage areas is commonplace. They use connected handheld scanners to scan item numbers on parts to be stored in or retrieved from warehouses.

These dedicated terminals communicate the data to a server over a simple Wi-Fi connection. On very extensive sites, it is quite feasible from a technical standpoint for a malicious third party to intercept these connections. Protecting communications on this type of terminal is all the more essential for sensitive industries, such as defense or aerospace.

Maintenance d'avion

Protecting data collected during service operations is a concern shared by equipment installers and maintenance technicians who frequently travel to carry out their tasks on customer premises.

Industrial equipment manufacturers as well as HVAC or elevator repair services rely on field technicians equipped with smartphones or tablets to run diagnostic applications.

The data that these applications transfer to centralized servers must be encrypted to prevent any risk of breaches or cyber espionage.

Our solution

A major player in VPN technologies, TheGreenBow protects logistics and maintenance data by offering VPN clients for Linux and Windows devices.

What is a VPN?

As it can easily be installed on any type of terminal (computer, smartphone, embedded system, tablet, etc.), TheGreenBow software secures and facilitates communications with any equipment that needs to be maintained, monitored, or controlled.

Why choose TheGreenBow

TheGreenBow VPN Clients are renowned for their robustness, ease of installation, and ease of use.

Security: The French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) has issued several certifications, called security visas, for TheGreenBow products, a clear sign of our commitment to providing trusted VPN solutions that rely on the most advanced encryption algorithms and authentication systems on the market.

Easy installation: We keep administrators in mind and aim to make their lives easier by providing numerous configuration and deployment options in our VPN clients.


Ease of use: For protection to be truly effective, it must actually be implemented! Our software is extremely easy to use. We make sure users can carry out their tasks and actions in as few steps as possible, so that they can use their VPN client in a seamless and transparent manner.

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