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I got a problem during activation

  • Error 000:

    Internal error

    The software cannot complete the activation process. This may happen if you are not in administrator mode on your computer. You can:

    • Try to activate the software in administrator mode on Windows.
    • Contact our technical support
  • Error 031:

    License not found

    This error occurs when the license number is wrong. Please check that the license number you entered is correct.

    If the problem persists, please contact our technical support.

  • Error 033:

    Activation quota exceeded

    A license enables to activate the software once per computer, and your license is already activated. If you want to re-activate your license, you can :

    • Re-activate the license by uninstalling the software for TheGreenBow VPN Client (this function is available since release 4.20).
    • Contact our technical support
  • Error 034:

    Wrong Product Code

    The license number you entered is for a different TheGreenBow software. You can:

    • Install and activate the correct software associated to this license (if that’s what you actually wanted to do),
    • Contact our support.
  • Error 035:

    Wrong Product Code

    The license number you entered is for another TheGreenBow software or for the software of another vendor. For example, you are trying to activate TheGreenBow software with a license  from another vendor’s software. You can:

    • If your license is not from  TheGreenBow, contact the vendor of your software to get the appropriate license,
    • If your license is from  TheGreenBow, activate a TheGreenBow software,
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 036:

    Not allowed to activate this software release

    Your license is associated to a maintenance period which doesn’t allow to activate this version of the software. You can:

    • Look at the versions allowed by your maintenance period,
    • Buy the required maintenance to activate your version,
    • Uninstall this version and re-install the previous one.
  • Error 037:

    Wrong Software Release

    The license number you entered cannot be used to activate this software release. You can:

    • Install and activate the latest software release associated to this license,
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 039:

    Not allowed to activate this software release

    Your license is locked or it is associated to a maintenance period which doesn’t allow to activate this version of the software. You can:

    • Look at the versions allowed by your maintenance period.
    • Buy the required maintenance to activate your version.
    • Uninstall this version to re-install the previous one.
  • Error 050:

    Cannot complete activation process

    This error occurs when the activation code received by the computer is wrong.

    To fix this problem, you can check the following operations:

    • If your computer is using a ‘proxy’ to reach the network, enter the parameters of this proxy in the step 1 of the activation process (link on the left back corner of the dialog)
    • Check if no firewall on your computer may have forbidden or altered the activation code.
    • Test a Manual Activation.
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 051:

    Cannot complete activation process

    The software detects a mismatch between the license and the activation code.
    You can contact our technical support and provide your license number.

  • Error 052:

    Cannot complete activation process

    TheSoftware is unable to parse the activation code. You can contact our technical support and provide your license number.

  • Error 053:

    Cannot connect to the Activation Server

    The software cannot connect to the Activation Server. Reasons can be broken internet connexion, activation server down, firewall or security policies. To solve this problem, you can:

    • Retry an activation in a few minutes.
    • Check if no firewall on your computer is filtering the activation process. If so, try to temporarily disable the firewall during the activation.
    • Check if your Internet connexion is using a proxy. If so, define this proxy on the activation step 1 (bottom-left link of the 1st activation dialog).
    • Do a Manual Activation. This procedure enables to activate the software directly on our server.
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 054:

    Cannot connect to the Activation Server

    The software cannot connect to the Activation Server. Reasons can be broken internet connexion, activation server down, firewall or security policies. To solve this problem, you can:

    • Retry an activation in a few minutes.
    • Check if no firewall on your computer is filtering the activation process. If so, try to temporarily disable the firewall during the activation.
    • Check if your Internet connexion is using a proxy. If so, define this proxy on the activation step 1 (bottom-left link of the 1st activation dialog).
    • Do a Manual Activation. This procedure enables to activate the software directly on our server.
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 055:

    Activation code error

    • The software cannot parse the activation code. It may happen if you try to activate a license with TheGreenBow activation server, from a computer which is configured to be activated with a corporate activation server, or conversely: you try to activate a license with your corporate activation server from a computer which is not configured to use this corporate activation server. You can:

      For the second case, please try to re-install the software with the ‘vpnetup.ini’ file.

    • Retry an activation, this may fix the corrupted activation code.
    • Contact our technical support.
  • Error 056:

    Activation code error

    The software detects an error in the activation code. This error may happen when you are using a temporary license with an expired validity period. You can:

  • Error 057:

    Activation code error

    The software detects an error in the activation code. This error happens when you are using a temporary license with an expired validity period. You can:

  • Error 058:

    Subscription expired

    The subscription associated to the license you entered is expired. You can:

    • Renew your subscription.
    • Contact our sales department.
  • Error 070:

    Internal Error

    The software cannot complete the Activation process. Activation error 070 occurs on computers equipped with PC-Windows 8, with release 5.13 and previous releases. You can:

    • Windows 8: Upgrade to VPN Client release 5.5 or further. The VPN Client releases 5.5 and further are fully supported on Windows 8.
    • Try to activate the software manually.

For any other codes, please contact our technical support

I can’t open a VPN tunnel

You have a problem to open a VPN tunnel between TheGreenBow VPN Client and your VPN Gateway.

Reasons can be a problem with the Internet connexion, a problem with the VPN Configuration of TheGreenBow software or a problem with the VPN Configuration of your VPN gateway.

To analyze the reason of your problem, we recommand you follow step by step all the following operations:

  • If you already know the VPN error, check the relevant diagnostic
  • Open a tunnel with our Demo VPN Configuration
  • Check our VPN Configuration Guide dedicated to your Gateway
  • Send us all the materials which enable us to analyze your problem

You are trying to open a VPN tunnel and you are experiencing the following error:

  • Error 080:

    Phase 1 not configured

    Your VPN Configuration may be wrongly saved or corrupted. You may import or create a new whole configuration.

  • Error 081:

    phase 1 cannot get private key

    Your VPN Configuration is using a certificate. The private key of this certificate cannot be found. You may

    • Retry to import the VPN configuration to get the correct certificate and/or private key.
    • Contact our technical support for more details.
  • Error 082:

    “UDP must exist as a listener too” (IP Addresses mismatch)

    The IP address set in the “Interface” parameter of Phase 1 doesn’t match the IP address of the computer. This problem appears when the IP address of the computer changed after the VPN Client started or when a VPN Configuration with a wrong IP address was imported.

    Console message example:
    20090429 113041 Default udp_create: 500 must exist as a listener too
    20090429 113041 Default exchange_establish: transport “udp” for peer “CnxVpn1-P1” could not be created

    You may :

    • Restart (quit then run) the VPN Client.
    • Or check the local IP address (Interface) defined in Phase 1 to be set to “any”.
  • Error 083:

    “No proposal chosen” (Phase 1 Algorithms mismatch)

    The message “No proposal chosen” was received during the IKE exchange: The Phase 1 algorithms doesn’t match the gateway configuration.

    Note: this message may also be received on various values mismatches, thus it is useful you check the whole VPN configuration.

    Console message example:

    20090429 115905 Default sysdep_app_open: Init Connection for : Cnx-Cnx-P2 Cnx-remote-addr
    20090429 115905 Default sysdep_app_open: IPV4_SUBNET Network
    20090429 115905 Default sysdep_app_open: IPV4_SUBNET Netmask
    20090429 115911 Default (SA Cnx-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode [SA][VID]
    20090429 115911 Default RECV Informational [NOTIFY] with NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN error

    You may :

    • Check the VPN Client Phase 1 algorithms to be consistent with the gateway (or peer) Phase 1 algorithms.
    • Check the IP address range.
    • Check the Local and remote IDs.
    • Warning: the local ID on the router is the remote ID on the VPN Client and conversely !
    • Check the PFS to be activated or not on both peers (Client and Router).
    • Restart the router.
  • Error 084:

    “No proposal chosen” (Phase 2 Algorithms mismatch)

    The message “No proposal chosen” was received during the IKE exchange: The Phase 2 algorithms doesn’t match the gateway configuration.

    Console message example:
    20090429 115915 Default (SA Cnx-Cnx-P2) SEND phase 2 Quick Mode [SA][KEY][ID][HASH][NONCE]
    20090429 115915 Default RECV Informational [HASH][NOTIFY] with NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN error
    20090429 115915 Default RECV Informational [HASH][DEL]
    20090429 115915 Default Cnx-P1 deleted

    You may check the VPN Client Phase 2 algorithms to be consistent with the gateway (or peer) Phase 2 algorithms.

  • Error 085:

    “UDP create address not understood” (Phase 1 remote address is unknown).

    The remote address specified in the Phase 1 of the relevant tunnel cannot be resolved. The remote address is the address of the remote gateway. It can be unreachable, undefined or unresolvable if it is a DNS address.

    You may Check the address of the remote gateway/peer. For example, try to ping this address.

  • Error 086:

    “Received Remote ID other than expected” (Remote ID mismatch)

    The message “received remote ID other than expected” was received. It means the Remote ID value doesn’t match the value expected by the remote VPN endpoint (gateway/peer).

    Console message example:

    20090429 120351 Default (SA Cnx-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode [ID][HASH][NOTIFY]
    20090429 120351 Default (SA Cnx-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode [ID][HASH][NOTIFY]
    20090429 120351 Default ike_phase_1_recv_ID: received remote ID other than expected

    You may check the value “Local ID” in “Phase 1 Advanced” to be consistent with the remote ID of the VPN gateway or peer.

    Warning: the remote ID on the router is the local ID on the VPN Client and conversely !

  • Error 087:

    “No keystate” (Local ID mismatch or wrong PSK)

    The message “No keystate” was received. It means either the pre-shared key is wrong or the Local ID of the VPN Client doesn’t match the Remote ID of the VPN Gateway or peer.

    Note: this message may also be received on various values mismatches, thus it is useful you check the whole VPN configuration.

    Console message example:

    20090429 115317 Default (SA Cnx-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode [KEY][NONCE]
    20090429 115319 Default (SA Cnx-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode [KEY][NONCE]
    20090429 115319 Default (SA Cnx-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode [ID][HASH][NOTIFY]
    20090429 115319 Default ipsec_get_keystate: no keystate in ISAKMP SA 00B57C50

    You may :

    • Check the preshared key (Phase 1) is correct and consistent on both sides of the VPN connection (Client and Gateway/peer).
    • Check in “Phase 1 advanced” the Local ID matches the value and type defined in the VPN Gateway.
    • Warning: the local ID on the router is the remote ID on the VPN Client and conversely !
    • Check also the logs of the remote VPN Gateway to get more information about this problem.
    • Check the IP address range.
    • Check the remote ID.
    • Check the PFS to be activated or not on both peers (Client and Router).
    • Restart the router.
  • Error 088:

    “Payload Malformed” (Phase 1 Algorithm mismatch)

    The message “Payload Malformed” was received during the IKE exchange. It means the Phase 1 algorithms doesn’t match the gateway configuration.

    Note: this message may also be received on various values mismatches, thus it is useful you check the whole VPN configuration.

    Console message example:

    20090429 114920 Default (SA Cnx-P1) SEND phase 1 Main Mode [SA][VID]
    20090429 114920 Default (SA Cnx-P1) RECV phase 1 Main Mode [NOTIFY]
    20090429 114920 Default exchange_run: exchange_validate failed
    20090429 114920 Default dropped message from port 500 due to notification type PAYLOAD_MALFORMED
    20090429 114920 Default SEND Informational [NOTIFY] with PAYLOAD_MALFORMED error

    You may :

    • Check the VPN Client Phase 1 algorithms to be consistent with the gateway (or peer) Phase 1 algorithms.
    • Check the IP address range.
    • Check the Local and remote IDs.
    • Warning: the local ID on the router is the remote ID on the VPN Client and conversely !
    • Check the PFS to be activated or not on both peers (Client and Router).
    • Restart the router.
  • Error 089:

    “Giving up the connection”

    The VPN Client gaves up the connection, often after retrying to initiate the connection several times.

    You may check if the gateway is still reachable.

  • Error 090:

    “No keystate” (Local ID mismatch or wrong PSK)

    The message “No keystate” was received. It means either the pre-shared key is wrong or the Local ID of the VPN Client doesn’t match the Remote ID of the VPN Gateway or peer.

    Note: this message may also be received on various values mismatches, thus it is useful you check the whole VPN configuration.

    You may:

    • Check the pre-shared key (Phase 1) is correct and consistent on both sides of the VPN connection (Client and Gateway/peer).
    • Check in “Phase 1 advanced” the Local ID matches the value and type defined in the VPN Gateway.
    • Warning: the local ID on the router is the remote ID on the VPN Client and conversely !
    • Check also the logs of the remote VPN Gateway to get more information about this problem.
    • Check the IP address range.
    • Check the remote ID.
    • Check the PFS to be activated or not on both peers (Client and Router).
    • Restart the router.
  • Error 091:

    “Invalid Payload Type” (X-Auth timed-out or PSK mismatch)

    The message “Invalid Payload Type” was received during the IKE exchange. It means the X-Auth timed out, or the Preshared key is wrong. You may check the preshared key (Phase 1) is correct and consistent on both sides of the VPN connection (Client and Gateway/peer).

  • Error 092:

    “Invalid ID Information” (Phase 2 remote network address is wrong)

    The “Invalid ID Information” message was received during the IKE exchange. It means the remote address (peer or network) in Phase 2 is wrongly defined.

    Console message example:

    20090429 122626 Default (SA Cnx-Cnx-P2) SEND phase 2 Quick Mode [SA][KEY][ID][HASH][NONCE]
    20090429 122626 Default RECV Informational [HASH][NOTIFY] with INVALID_ID_INFORMATION error
    20090429 122626 Default RECV Informational [HASH][DEL]
    20090429 122626 Default Cnx-P1 deleted

    You may :

    • Check if the network address is correct and matches what is expected by the remote VPN endpoint.
    • Check also the ID type defined in “Phase 1 advanced” is consistent with the type defined in the router.

    Warning: the local ID on the router is the remote ID on the VPN Client and conversely !

    Note: it is not mandatory the ID value is an IP address.

  • Error 093:

    “Invalid Cookie” (Remaing tunnel)

    The “Invalid Cookie” message was received during the IKE exchange. It means that one of the VPN endpoints (Client or peer) is using a tunnel which is no more in use.

    Note: this warning may also occur when closing the VPN Tunnel. It is not a blocking problem.

    Console message example:

    20090429 115933 Default message_recv: invalid cookie(s) 5918ca0c2634288f 7364e3e486e49105
    20090429 115933 Default dropped message from port 500 due to notification type INVALID_COOKIE
    20090429 115933 Default SEND Informational [NOTIFY] with INVALID_COOKIE error

    You may reset the VPN connection on each side (e.g. wait 5 to 10 minutes depending on the router timers, and restart the VPN Client).

I got a problem while executing the software

You experienced a problem while executing TheGreenBow software.

Software problems can be classified into 3 types:

  • unexpected behaviour,
  • program crash,
  • Windows “blue screen”.

For any of these issues, please reach out to our contact support.

Frequently asked questions

Online help and FAQs are available to help you resolve any difficulties you may encounter with our software.

Contact our technical support

This form allows us to provide you with answers to configuration, installation or usage problems you may encounter with our products. The more detailed the description of your problem is, the more accurate our answer will be.

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