Trusted VPN Solutions

TheGreenBow protects your connections in any situation

Protect your connections in any situation

Communications between your various locations as well as with other organizations (customers, suppliers), mobile employees, telecommuters and connected objects, all require secure and reliable connections. As a pioneer in VPN technologies since 1998 with more than 2 million users worldwide, TheGreenBow is in the best position to protect your connections in any situation.

TheGreenBow VPN offering

We offer a full range of IPsec VPN client software as well as management solutions for your license pool.

Endpoint Secure Connection

A range of VPN clients available for most operating systems (Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android)

Connection Management Center

A cloud-native console that gives full control and visibility required to manage a large license pool.

TheGreenBow, the first certified VPN

Since its inception, TheGreenBow has helped its customers address privacy, sovereignty and security issues at the highest level. We are the first European VPN technology provider to obtain in 2013 an EAL3+ Common Criteria certification as well as NATO and EU Restricted approval for its Windows VPN Client.

TheGreenBow has now embarked on an ongoing certification process in order to obtain security certifications from the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI).

Our VPN Clients for Windows and Linux are particularly suitable for protecting the exchange of sensitive data in organizations such as critical market operators, public administrations and local authorities.

VPN client use cases

All types of communication are likely to require secure VPN technology. Discover your use case.

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Nomadic Work Practices

Nomadic Work Practices

See the case
Restricted Information

Restricted Information

See the case
Critical communications

Critical communications

See the case


See the case


See the case

These organisations have chosen TheGreenBow

" TheGreenBow products met all our needs. We started working on a particularly effective partnership between our teams and those of the software editor that allowed us to find solutions both in terms of technical requirements and budget. "

Marc Boget, Deputy Director of Digital Technology.
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" During the first lockdown in 2020, Dassault Aviation urgently needed to optimize its technical infrastructure to enable some 5,000 employees, who suddenly found themselves isolated, to continue working from home. We deployed TheGreenBow VPN software to massively strengthen connections from the outside in a simple and secure manner. All our laptops were equipped in just a few days, thanks to the tremendous support and incredible responsiveness of TheGreenBow’s teams. "

Jean Sass, DGSI Dassault Aviation
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" An IPsec VPN client that complies with the recommendations of the French National Cybersecurity Agency (ANSSI) was a key criterion in our choice. The fact that ANSSI has certified TheGreenBow VPN clients is a clear sign that TheGreenBow pays close attention to the security level of its products. The transparency for users was also very much appreciated. "

Damien Feuillet, CISO INSEP
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